Widespread Issues With DePuy Attune Knee Replacements
When a patient needs a knee replacement, they work with their doctor to choose the most suitable option for their body. This process involves understanding that some complications are always a possibility in the medical world.
Before the surgery, however, they might not be aware that a specific knee replacement device could potentially pose a higher risk of defects. In particular, DePuy Attune knee implants have been the subject of recent legislation as doctors and patients report problems with unusual frequency.
As an accomplished medical products liability law firm, Salim-Beasley, LLC is ready to advise patients who learn or suspect that their implant is defective. Patients can file a lawsuit or join an existing mass tort action with our attorneys regardless of whether their device has a known high rate of failure.
What Are The Repeatedly Reported Issues?
While most knee replacements stay effective for nearly 20 years on average, some patients report that their DePuy Attune knee implant failed much earlier than expected.
Through lawsuits, medical studies and complaints to the government, the DePuy Attune knee implant has been suspected to suffer from loosening at an abnormal rate. This causes the device to become unstable, which leads to painful, difficult walking and standing.
How Can A Defective Knee Implant Affect The Patient?
Knee implant problems can make daily life extremely frustrating and highly painful. Patients who experience implant failure need another operation to replace the device with a different type of implant. In addition to increased pain, patients may bear the costs of extra surgery and lost wages during rehabilitation.
Second operations to fix failed implants, known as revision surgeries, are often expensive and may hurt more. Because they are sometimes more invasive than the original procedure, the patient may also experience a longer recovery period without being able to work or stay active.
Seeking Relief For DePuy Attune Implant Defects
For those who face a defective knee replacement implant, the consequences can be high. Some patients decide to file a lawsuit in response to suffering needless pain and financial burden. Let’s talk about your case. From our Natchitoches, Louisiana, location, our firm skillfully pursues eligible knee implant defect lawsuits for clients nationwide.
To schedule an appointment with a products liability lawyer, call us at 866-269-5561 or fill out our contact form.