What Happens When A Hernia Mesh Fails?
Many patients are not sure whether their symptoms are severe enough to seek medical care. They often have a general sense that something is wrong. However, ignoring certain symptoms can lead to an extremely dangerous medical crisis.
Salim-Beasley, LLC assists clients nationwide who discover that they or their family member suffered a hernia mesh complication. The consequences of mesh failure can be devastating. While this possibility is frightening to confront, an attorney can identify a patient’s legal rights and provide guidance to recovery.
What Is The Difference Between Normal And Abnormal Symptoms?
Although hernia mesh surgery is likely to cause temporary symptoms like minor bruising and swelling as the surgical site heals, other symptoms could signify failure. A successful mesh surgery will not result in intense pain or issues that disrupt daily life.
Dangerous symptoms may surface as soon as the operation ends or as late as 3 to 4 years after the mesh is implanted. At first, these symptoms might appear to be related to a separate condition, such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) — especially if they begin to appear several months after the operation.
The symptoms of a serious hernia mesh complication may include:
- Feeling sharp pain or chronic discomfort
- Difficulty or inability to complete regular body functions, such as using the restroom
- Bleeding, acute inflammation or high fever
- Infections or recurring hernias
The Risks Of Hernia Mesh Failure
Patients who experience severe symptoms might be suffering from hernia mesh failure. When this is the case, they should contact a qualified medical provider urgently. The mesh may need surgical replacement. The patient or their family may wish to pursue legal action with a lawyer experienced in cases involving dangerous and defective medical devices.
Defective mesh or implant surgery malpractice may cause the patient’s hernia to reappear. Surgical mesh could also cause internal bleeding or major damage to organs. These issues may be critical for the patient, leading to risk of organ failure or sepsis. Hernia mesh failure can be fatal in some circumstances.
Find A Legal Remedy For Defective Mesh Or Medical Malpractice
Hernia mesh failure can put a patient at significant risk. Patients or their surviving family member may call the firm at 866-269-5561 to review their case. Alternatively, inquiries can be sent through the online contact form. From our office in Natchitoches, Louisiana, we represent clients throughout the U.S.